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Skill Build to be an Elestra

Flame Burst:Level 5 To enable the fire skills for Elemental Lord 
Glacial Spike: Level 5 To enable the ice skills for Elemental Lord
Poison: Max level. One of the best and easiest skill to spam. Starting at level 12 or 13 three spores are shot instead of two.
Shock Wave: Level 1 Just as a defense skill. Knock back any enemy that tries to come near you.
Mana Flow: Level 1. Free skill lol.
Counter Spell: Max. Allows you to get back on your feet when knocked down.
Aerial Evasion: Max. Allows you to jump in mid air when being attacked to possibly avoid any further hits
Blink:Max. Allows you to teleport a certain distance so that you can dodge or just to travel faster.
Escape: Max. Allows you to teleport while being attacked regardless the position you are in. This is the best evasion skill sorceress gets.
Mental Mastery:Level 2 to unlock Mental Training.
Mental Training: Level 1 to unlock Mana Payback

Flame Spark: Level 1 This is great to add delay on opponents. It helps chain a lot of combo's while moving on your feet.
Fireball: Max. One of my favorite skills to use. It almost has infinite range. Aim takes practice. Extremely powerful. You can also blink to escape when you are charging.
Inferno: Level 3 Just to unlock Firewall
Firewall: Level 2 Just to unlock Fire Shield. This is also a great defensive skill to use. It has decent super-armor
Fire Shield: Max. Allows me to tank almost everything.
Flame Rod: Max. Allows me to travel fast/long distances. Also one of Elemental Lords strongest skills.
Freezing Sword: Max. This is Elestras main skill. It does great damage and slows your opponent. Also level 11 is needed to unlock EX
Freezing Field:Level 3 Just to unlock Ice Stab. I do use this quite often because of the range and it slows enemy movement for a while.
Frozen Spikes: Level 2 Great damage, slows enemy movements, and allows you to chain a lot of skills afterwards. I find this to be a very good defense skill. Just cast and it will stay in the area for a few seconds. During that duration, you can cast other skills.
Freezing Shield: Max. Allows me to tank almost everything. Having maxed both fire/ice shield and having Ice Barrier allows me to be a tank. Everyone always tells me i'm wasting points until they see me fight. I can take huge amounts of damage and that gives me more chances to deal great damage after opponent has spammed their skills.
Mana Surge: Let's me spam and I never have to worry about MP. Also definitely recommended for SDN since pots aren't allowed (unless you want to spend $ on special SD pots)
Chilling Mist: Maxed. Big area of effect that slows your opponent. It's strong!
Blizzard: I prefer Vortex, but after the KRDN update, blizzard freezing rate will triple. Also don't want to spend 10 SP points to learn a second ultimate

Ice Barrier: Level 3. Max is level 2, however I have a skill ring +1. This is great in absorbing damage. Unlike fire/ice shield, you won't be delayed when being hit. It also freezes nearby enemies once the barrier is destroyed.
Ice Spear:  Max. Great defensive skill that shoots in all direction and freezes them at 40% chance. Does huge amount of damage on big monsters. 
Icy Shards EX: Max. This is the skill that makes Elestra's special. Increases the area of effect by A LOT! Also adds 30% damage.

Ancient Totten Sets.. Lvl 50 :

This is the Other Skill Build Elestra:

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